Rules and OOC Guidelines
This is NOT a modern setting. Yes we do have a fully functioning kitchen, plumbing and lights but this is not a modern Rp. No technology please. Apparently this needs to be explained more thoroughly. I do not consider this a Medieval Rp, more like in between somewhere, not modern or Sci Fi but not middle ages. It's a fantasy world and we do sometimes make exceptions, we can do as we please! If you are unsure then ask Huntress.
Keep OOC talk to a minimum during active play and storylines.
Take Smut to PM's.
Unless otherwise discussed in OOC/PM no forcing other characters to do anything against their will.
No god modding. I don't care how amazing your character is they cannot just magically reverse or undo the Manor's enchantment or be "immune" to its affects. One warning only.
We now have a limit on how many characters one person can have in our little world. Please no more than Five characters and preferred that you only use 2 of those at the same time while in active play.
No blank profiles. Just having a picture is not enough either.